Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Be a Doer of the Word

I have been reading and listening to audio sermons lately and it seems that there is a main topic that keeps coming up. It is summarized in James 1:22 - "But be ye doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." The whole first chapter of James describes what a person looks like who hears God's Word, but does not apply it to their life. It also tells us that if we hear God's Word, but don't do what He says, we are deceiving ourselves! I just finished reading Lysa Terkeurst's book, "Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl". Bible study is so important, but we must live what we learn! I heard the best illustration on this just a few days ago. It made it so clear and is humorous also. The pastor likened our hearing God's directions but not following them to him asking his daughter to clean her room. After she knew what he wanted her to do, she went in her room. When she came out, he asked, "Is your room clean?" She said, "No, but when I went in my room, I sat and listened to praise music and thought about how much you love me and how wonderful you are." "That is not what I asked you to do. I asked you to clean your room!!" "I know, Dad, but I just wanted to just sit and feel your presence." She called a few friends and they all went in her room. When they came out a little bit later, her father asked, "Is your room clean?" "Not yet, I had some friends over and we talked about your directions. Guess what, Dad, we studied what you said and I can even say it in the Greek!!" "But you still haven't cleaned your room!!!" Does that sound familiar? We all know people who claim to know God and His Word, but their lives do not reflect Him or His Word. They sit and listen to praise music and talk about how He loves them, but do they love Him? Jesus said in John 14:15, "If you love me, keep my commandments." They attend 3 or 4 Bible studies at a time and learn what God says, but do they stop to absorb what He is saying to us and follow His instructions? God is not interested in how much of His Word that we have in our head. He is concerned about how much of His Word has changed our heart and shines through our lives!

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